3/11/2025: It's my birth month! I'm turning 22 this year. I can't believe it really. I don't even know what 22 year olds do. I'm just trying to do my own thing at my own pace, but there's always that worry in the back of my head that I'm not "on track" and my life will pass by without me.

I've been struggling a bit with loneliness. I think it's because I have one online class this semester so I'm not really going out anywhere. I feel disconnected from the world. I don't want to go outside. Not even in my own backyard. I think my agoraphobia is getting bad again. It even makes me a bit nervous when my friends come over to my house. I don't really know what to do about that. I don't understand why I can't do things sometimes.

I've also been getting back into my religious practice. I've been a Hellenic polytheist since I was a teenager, but I stopped practicing for the past few years. I just lost faith and I couldn't find the motivation to do anything. But I'm looking for structure and my religious practices really do help with my mental health in some ways.

7/18/2024: Right now, the only social medias I still frequent with any regularity are Tumblr and YouTube. It's been nearly three years since I quit Tiktok and (English-speaking) Twitter. (I still sometimes go to Japanese Twitter for language-learning reasons). I go weeks without Instagram, and then I download it on a whim and use it until I feel terrible about myself. Then I delete it and the cycle begins anew. But it's been hard to kick Tumblr, and I feel like that's the website that worsens my OCD the most. It is the most customizable and I like that I don't get bombarded with things I don't like. I also feel like there's more likelihood to find nuance in things since there's not really a word limit, but most people still refuse to find the nuance in things. Everyone there is just so radicalized and biased in some way or another and it's really annoying. So, starting today, I'm going to try 5 days away from Tumblr entirely. I'm not going to limit YouTube, even though I'm pretty sure it counts as a social media, because I still use it to listen to music and stuff. But I will be spending less time on my phone.

6/28/2024: I feel very lucky that my mental illness symptoms weren't very bad leading up to my surgery and for the first two-ish weeks after surgery. But now those symptoms are back and making me feel very strange. Separated from the world and out of control of myself. It's a really uncomfortable feeling. Feels a little bit like there's too much in my head. My thoughts aren't connecting right. :-(

6/15/2024: I made it through surgery! Doing very well, healing up very nicely. Now that I'm well enough to work on my computer, I think I'll be working on this website more.

I also can't imagine I would update this website very regularly. Only when I have a lot of pictures and stuff.

5/31/2024: I have a pretty big surgery coming up next week, the recovery time is going to be long and boring. Lots of lying in bed and taking little walks around the house/neighborhood. I'm pretty nervous for it, but it needs to be done.

I guess making this website helps take my mind off of it. It gives me something to do, but I don't know if I'll be able to work at my computer while I'm recovering. So I guess I'll just be making plans for this website in my journal. I'm thinking of adding my e-mail to the contact page so people can send me recommendations for things to watch/read while I recover, but I don't really know how to add it.
